Haskell `distinct` function to remove duplicated item in a list

Posted on September 3, 2022 by lk
Tags: haskell

Assume that we need to write a function to remove duplicated items in a list as a code snippet bellow

~> let xs = [1..5] ++ [2..9]
~> xs

~> distinct1 xs

~> distinct2 xs

~> distinct3 xs

~> distinct4 xs
Logger ["inserting 1","inserting 2","inserting 3","inserting 4","inserting 5","2 duplicated","3 duplicated","4 duplicated","5 duplicated","inserting 6","inserting 7","inserting 8","inserting 9"] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

If you are rush to see how hell the code is ^^, here is the link to replit.co https://replit.com/@longnguyen207/AhaxuBlog1?v=1

Recursive with accumulated list

  :: (Ord a)
  => [a]
  -> [a]
distinct1 as = 
  go as [] 
    go [] acc = acc
    go (a:as) acc 
      | a `elem` acc = go as acc
      | otherwise = go as (acc++[a])

Using fold

  :: (Ord a)
  => [a]
  -> [a]
distinct2 =
      (\acc a ->
        if a `notElem` acc
        then acc ++ [a]
        else acc

Using StateT monad

In case we want to use Set utilities to stored and handle those existed item of a list

There is a function filterM from Control.Monad

filterM :: Applicative m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]`

for learning purpose, we will rewrite as filterM2 as below:

  :: Applicative f
  => (a -> f Bool)
  -> [a]
  -> f [a]
filterM2 p =
    (\a facc -> 
        (\b acc -> 
          if b 
          then (a:acc) 
          else acc)
        (p a)
    (pure [])

and the distinct3 function using StateT


  :: (Ord a)
  => [a]
  -> [a]
distinct3 as =
    rs = filterM2 (
      \a -> StateT $ 
        \s -> Identity $ 
          if Set.notMember a s 
          then (True, Set.insert a s) 
          else (False, s)) as
  in fst $ runState rs Set.empty

In case we want to log each step we do


  :: (Ord a, Show a)
  => [a]
  -> Logger String [a]
distinct4 as =
    rs = filterM2 (\a -> StateT $ \s -> 
          (l,bs)  | Set.notMember a s = ("inserting " ++ show a, (True, Set.insert a s))
                  | otherwise        = (show a ++ " duplicated", (False, s))
        in Logger [l] bs) as
  in evalStateT rs Set.empty

And, Logger data type defined as

-- implement logger for logging
data Logger l a = 
  Logger [l] a
  deriving(Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Functor (Logger l) where
    :: (a -> b) 
    -> Logger l a 
    -> Logger l b
  fmap f (Logger l a) = Logger l $ f a

instance Applicative (Logger l) where
  pure a = Logger [] a

    :: Logger l (a -> b) 
    -> Logger l a 
    -> Logger l b
  (<*>) (Logger l1 f) (Logger l2 a) = Logger (l1++l2) $ f a

instance Monad (Logger l) where
  return = pure
    :: Logger l a 
    -> (a -> Logger l b) 
    -> Logger l b
  (>>=) (Logger l1 a) f =
    let Logger l2 b =  f a
    in Logger (l1++l2) b

Try with ghci repl.it

~> let xs = [1..5] ++ [2..9]
~> xs

~> distinct1 xs

~> distinct2 xs

~> distinct3 xs

~> distinct4 xs
Logger ["inserting 1","inserting 2","inserting 3","inserting 4","inserting 5","2 duplicated","3 duplicated","4 duplicated","5 duplicated","inserting 6","inserting 7","inserting 8","inserting 9"] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

More about StateT


Final thoughts


StateT help us to stack State action within other monads which need temporary variable to deal with complex computation.
